Insomnia is a growing problem in the UK and an ongoing lack of sleep can potentially cause both long-term health and psychological issues.
There is no denying life today is much more fast paced than ever before, with technology a big factor in keeping us seemingly on red alert all of the time.
Poor sleep patterns are also linked to weight gain because we end up eating more of the bad foods rich in sugar and fat the following day to maintain flagging energy levels.
One of the biggest factors in sleeplessness is anxiety.
If you don’t get the right levels of sleep, then anxiety goes up.
This in turn makes it even more difficult to get to sleep the following night, so now you are caught in something of a viscous circle.
We have a natural way of defusing the anxiety which builds up naturally called REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when we relive the events of the previous day in clear or metaphorically by dreaming.
If we get the right levels of REM sleep then we should awaken the following morning feeling fresh, relaxed and ready to start the day free from anxiety, stress or depression.
For one reason or another REM sleep is restricted to around 20% of our sleep patterns.
If we end up overdoing that then the mind wakes you up in the middle of the night and then you struggle to get back to sleep, creating even more anxiety and tiredness in the process.
Similarly you can on occasions become so tired that you end up sleeping for 12 hours and still wake up feeling just as exhausted as before because REM uses up so much energy.
Hypnotherapy helps to recreate the REM state and brings your anxiety levels down in the process.
I will give you a free relaxation CD to listen to each night before you go to sleep and also work with you to get you refocusing on the positive aspects of your life between each session.
By doing this your overall anxiety levels will decrease, making sleep occur far more naturally in the long-term.
To find out more call 07967 216123 now to book your free initial consultation.